Big data’s impact on the Digital Enterprise continues to accelerate. But it’s really not about the data itself. Data is just an enabler. Insights come through analysis. The true value of big data comes through the faster and better business decisions driven by insight.

Top to Bottom:
T. Davenport,
B. Morris,
D. Fernandes,
D. Taylor |
Big Data, Analytics, and Insights
Many organizations are excited about the possibility of developing a competitive advantage from the use of advanced analytics on "big data". In this session a panel of experts will address their concept of big data and what their organizations are attempting to accomplish with it. They will also discuss the role of the data scientist in extracting value from that big data using advanced analytics tools and techniques. Examples will be presented from firms that are aggressively pursuing big data initiatives for predicting or optimizing future outcomes. The panelists will describe how using big data sets for analytics and data management differs from previous approaches utilizing small data sets. Finally, the panel will address key factors that big and small data analytics have in common.
Join MIT Center for Digital Business Fellow, Professor Tom Davenport, author of Big Data at Work and Keeping Up with the Quants: Your Guide to Understanding and Using Analytics, as he guides a panel of experts from data to insights:
Barry Morris, Founder & CEO, NuoDB
Darrell Fernandes, CIO, Strategic Investment Products & Data, Fidelity Investments
Don Taylor, CTO, Benefitfocus