Panel Name:
Fireside Chat: The Untethered in Practice - What worked and what didn’t.
Event Location:
Kresge Auditorium
Event Time:
5:30PM - 6:15PM
Andrew McAfee, SB ‘88, SM ‘90, MIT Sloan School of Management (@amcafee) - Moderator
Elizabeth Roche
Gajen Kandiah
Panel Description:
You’ve answered the call for anytime/anywhere access to data. This keynote panel will explore real-life stories of the challenges and rewards of moving some or all of their systems to the cloud, from CIOs who’ve been there and back. What worked, what didn’t. What vendor promises did not provide the intended result and how did these CIOs recover? How do CIOs avoid “perfect” being the enemy of “good enough” as they pilot their organizations through a new set of risks and rewards.