Panel Information

Panel Name:

MIT's Perspective on the Untethered Organization

Event Location:
Kresge Auditorium
Event Time:
9:45AM - 10:45AM
Pontin, Jason - Moderator
Agarwal, Anant
Ito, Joichi
Prof. Erik Brynjolfsson, PhD ‘91, MIT Center for Digital Business (@erikbryn)
Panel Description:

MIT faculty are often in the forefront of innovation and technology development, the enablers of the untethered organization if you will. MIT Sloan faculty are at the forefront of helping companies and managers make sense of technology, using it to full advantage. The focus of this panel is to allow our esteemed faculty the opportunity to lend their advice on how best to leverage technology, particularly the mobile and distributed workforce. More than this, they will also talk about the next wave of technologies that will change the way companies and managers work.