Panel Name:
Working with the CEO and the Board
Event Location:
Kresge Auditorium
Event Time:
8:30AM - 9:30AM
Michael Hickins, Wall Street Journal (@Michael_Curator) - Moderator
Mark Holst-Knudsen, ThomasNet
Narinder Singh, Appirio (@singhns)
Peter Weill, MIT Center for Information Systems Research (CISR)
Stephen C. Neff, Fidelity Investments
Panel Description:
What do executive leaders expect of the CIOs and what do CIOs expect of their CEOs and Boards. What is the best way for the CEOs, Boards, and CIOs to communicate? What is the role of CEOs and Boards in leading the Digital Enterprise? How important is their vision? What’s the right pace of change? Who should be creating the digital roadmap, executive leadership or CIOs? Representative executive leaders, Board Members, and CIOs and a MIT Sloan academic whose research is focused on “Engaging Boards and Executive Committees on Digitization” will address these and other issues.